New Live Train Map for Great Britain

Already the most comprehensive and accurate map of real-time trains in Great Britain, we’ve rebooted our Live Train Map to incorporate several new features. The basic functionality remains the same - Signalbox draws upon its existing rail network model to map the location of trains on the railway in real-time, enabling a whole-network view of the location and performance of passenger trains. And as before, users can still geolocate a device to view trains near their location.

The new version of the map goes a step further, with the aim of giving users more useful information at a glance. A quick look at what’s changed:

  • We’ve added more information about specific trains. Whereas previously you could only see the train’s ultimate destination, now it’s possible to click or tap on any train on the map and access its timetable and platform projections, as well as live status updates.

  • Directional markers help users to identify services more quickly and differentiate between trains passing one another in opposite directions.

  • Hackable URLs mean users can drop coordinates (latitude and longitude) into the URL to view trains at that location. Waiting for a train to come over Glenfinnan Viaduct? No problem.

These features have been developed in tandem with our First of a Kind project to deliver new tools that use geospatial visualisation to deliver personalised real-time information to train passengers. Announced in August 2021, we’ve since developed a suite of new features for Signalbox technology that enable our clients to display real-time rail updates on a map in stations, on the train, or embed live and interactive journey maps in apps and websites. We support a range of tools to deploy our technology, from lightweight iframes for a station or specific location to the total flexibility of full API integration.

The improved live train mapping technology is launched in addition to our ETA sharing showcase app, which lets users share the live location and estimated time of arrival (ETA) for trains on the British rail network. All of these new applications are now supported by Signalbox API, in addition to our flagship ‘Find My Train’ functionality that identifies the train a smartphone is on.


Find My Train in France


Share live location & ETA from the train